
JINPAT slip rings for Minesweeper Robot

2024-06-12 17:01:16

Bomb disposal is one of the most difficult tasks for human beings, which can cause many dangers. Bomb disposal robots are therefore being developed to assist humans in such a task. In fact, the mine clearance robot is actually a kind of unmanned vehicle that still needs humans to operate outside the field. A mine clearance robot is generally equipped with a high-definition camera that can detect the environment. Such a device must be able to rotate 360 degrees to provide a panoramic view of the surrounding area. And more importantly, the robotic arm is the key to actually dismantling a bomb. To enable flexible and precise movement of the robot arm, a slip ring is required.

JINPAT Electronics is a slip ring manufacturer with rich experience in producing slip rings for various purposes. As for mine clearance robots, JINPAT also offers unique solutions.

JINPAT optoelectronic slip ring is a good choice for connecting the high definition camera to the robot body. JINPAT LPT000-6402-E3-FO01 is capable of transmitting power and optical signals. It is therefore able to transmit an angle signal to control the movement of the camera head while transmitting the high definition video signals to the processor. It consists of two mules, namely the electrical module and the optical module. For the older unit, there are 64 2A power channels and 1 Gigabit Ethernet channel. As for the latter, it adopts a 1-channel single-mode optical rotating joint. With the help of this optoelectronic slip ring, the mine clearance robot can capture a vivid and panoramic view of the site.


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In the case of the robot arm, JINPAT recommends the LPM miniature slip ring series. JINPAT miniature slip ring is a first choice for robot arms. There are multiple joints of the mine clearance robot arm to allow flexible movement. Given the danger of the task, each movement must be precise and quick. JINPAT miniature slip rings can rotate smoothly and precisely. Besides, it can transmit various control signals. Thanks to their lightness and compactness, JINPAT miniature slip rings fit perfectly into a mine clearance robot. With a long lifespan and reliable performance, it is fully qualified for this task.