Typical High Frequency Auxiliaries

Product Introduction

The High Frequency Phase-Stable Low Loss Coaxial Cable Series, along with High Frequency Cable Auxiliaries and High Frequency Test Cable Auxiliaries, are widely used in the aerospace industry, electronic countermeasures systems (ECM), high-frequency anechoic system connections, and 5G mobile communications, among other applications.


型号 频率范围 接口类型 电缆类型 电缆长度 PDF 详情
N-F-N-F(75Ω) DC-12GHz N-F-N-F N-F-N-F(75Ω) 500/500mm
E18L-NFNM-01.00M DC-18GHz N-F/N-M E18L 1000mm
E40-29M29M-01.00M DC-40GHz 2.92-M/2.92-M E40 1000mm
SWA360-2.92/M-2.92/M DC-40GHz 2.92/M-2.92/M SWA360 500/500mm
BNC-M-BNC-M-RF1.32-500mm DC-3GHz BNC-M/BNC-M RF1.32 500mm
SMA-M-SMA-F-RG178-500mm DC-3GHz SMA-M/SMA-F RG178 500mm

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